Featured/Premium Listings


We are currently offering the opportunity to advertise near the top of the HOME PAGE and promote your business to thousands of Bakersfield residents.

These large "FEATURED LISTINGS" appear just below the fold on desktop computers, laptops, and some mobile devices.

As soon as our visitors start to scroll down the page, your Featured Listing is the first thing they see.

THREE Featured Listings are available: Top, Middle, Bottom.

Your Featured Listing can include:

  • Google Star Rating Image (optional)
  • NAME
  • PHONE NUMBER (click to call)
  • EMAIL ADDRESS (click to email)
  • WEBSITE LINK (click to new window)
  • DESCRIPTION or SPECIAL OFFER: up to 100 words.

Your ad/image can link to any webpage you choose: your website, your Facebook page, your listing in this directory, etc.

  1. The TOP Featured Listing: $297 per month
  2. The MIDDLE Featured Listing: $197 per month
  3. The BOTTOM Featured Listing: $99 per month
  • Each month is paid in advance.
  • No long term contract necessary.
  • If you would like to lock in several months in a row simply pay for multiple months in advance.

Ready to get started?  Text here (or call): (559) 359-8711 or email us with the Contact Form.

Thanks for your interest and we hope to hear from you soon.